🇸🇦 Arabic for Children

Resources in Arabic

At Little Linguist, we have a wide range of Arabic for Children products and resources, including children's Arabic bilingual books and Arabic dual language stories, Arabic dictionaries for children, Arabic songs for children and Arabic children's DVDs.


31 Items
Augustus and his smile: Arabic & English
Augustus and his smile: Arabic & English
Beowulf: Arabic & English
Beowulf: Arabic & English
Brrmm! Let's Go: Arabic & English
Brrmm! Let's Go: Arabic & English
Collins Arabic Visual Dictionary
Ellie's Secret Diary: Arabic & English
Ellie's Secret Diary: Arabic & English
Errol's Garden: Arabic & English
Errol's Garden: Arabic & English
Farmer Duck: Arabic & English
Farmer Duck: Arabic & English
Keeping Up With Cheetah: Arabic & English
Keeping Up With Cheetah: Arabic & English
Key Phrases for School Chart for Talking Pen
From  £24.00
Let's Say Hello (Multilingual)
Let's Say Hello (Multilingual)
My Everyday Words in Arabic
Sahir Goes to the Dentist: Arabic & English
Sahir Goes to the Dentist: Arabic & English
Sports Day in the Jungle: Arabic & English
Sports Day in the Jungle: Arabic & English
TalkingPEN Starter Pack: Arabic
TalkingPEN Starter Pack: Arabic
The Giant Turnip (Arabic - English)
The Giant Turnip (Arabic - English)
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Choose from our varied selection of Arabic for Children books:

Our Arabic Children's Story Books category includes books written entirely in Arabic, as well as a substantial range of Arabic – English dual language story books, with the full text written in both Arabic and English. We have baby and toddler Arabic stories as well as Children's Books in Arabic that are aimed at older readers.

For children looking to learn first Arabic words or to build their Arabic vocabulary, check out our Children's Arabic Word Books & Dictionaries category. Choose from Arabic picture dictionaries for youngsters, or standard children's Arabic / English dictionaries for older learners. We also have a good selection of simple Arabic board books for babies and toddlers that help to teach first Arabic words.

In our Children's Arabic Multimedia category, choose from popular children's Arabic learning DVDs, CD-Roms and Arabic for Children songs. Children will love learning Arabic through fun songs and animations and the products within this category are amongst our bestselling Children's Arabic products. 

Other resources include children's Arabic flashcards, Arabic posters for children and cultural resources focusing on Arabic culture for children.

Our Children's Arabic products are suitable for use at home and we also offer other resources in Arabic that can be used at nursery, in children's centres or by childminders. We also specialise in school orders and include Children's Arabic resources for schools in our product range.