Carole Nicoll
Developed to accompany all three Deutsch! Deutsch! audio CDs, the Deutsch! Deutsch! book is a printable PDF resource and comes in full colour and features vocabulary pages, where each vocabulary item has a picture. Each picture has the German word in blue (masculine) , red (feminine) or green (neuter), and also in English.
Opposite the vocabulary lists are pages where that vocabulary is used in short simple conversations, poems, songs, raps and jokes. There is a CD reference for each song, rap, poem or conversation, so that the tracks can be easily located.
It could not be more user friendly! Perfect for the pupil, teacher and the primary or non specialist teacher, or SEND teacher.
Words in English to all the songs and conversations can be found in the back of the book.
This book is in electronic format and must be downloaded as a pdf (link supplied with your order). You may print or store for your use only as you wish.
Deutsch! Deutsch! has been developed for use with Primary School children (5 - 11 years) and is also a suitable resource for early Secondary School / SEN classes.
This is a fantastic product for the non-specialist teacher and is packed with useful advice and teaching notes.